INTEGRATION INTO THE BUSINESS PROGRAM ●Conducting your own session within the framework of the main BIOTECHMED program / integrating a partner into one of the existing program sessions ● Option for the partner's speaker of speaking speak at a session of the main BIOTECHMED program (in your own event / during integration) ● Partner's participation in the development of the agenda of the selected session ● Broadcast of the partner's promo video before the partner session ● Option of integrating a photo of the partner's speaker into the "Speakers" section on the BIOTECHMED website ● Photographing the partner's participation
УЧАСТИЕ ПРЕДСТАВИТЕЛЕЙ ● 2 VIP badges ● 1 additional invitation cards for the official evening event ● 2 "Delegate" badges
PR INTERACTION AND ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES ● Placement of the partner's logo in the "Business Program" section on the official website "BIOTECHMED" ● Placement of placing the partner's logo in the venue of a selected BIOTECHMED session ● Placement of information about the partner in the electronic catalog on the BIOTECHMED website ● Placement of posting news/announcement about the partner's company on the BIOTECHMED website ● Distribution of the press release about the partner among accredited media